
彼が失読症だった事はつとに知られていますが、このたびニューヨークで 自らの体験についてドクターと共にオープンに語る機会を得たそうです。6月2日に行われるその講義のタイトルは「失読症と創造性:一枚のコインの裏と表」で、主に失読症の子どもを持つ親御さんや教育関係者、メンタルヘルスの専門家が対象のようです(まあそうじゃないと彼のファンであふれかえっちゃうでしょうからね)。


Actor ORLANDO BLOOM is set to open up about living with dyslexia at a free lecture in New York.

The Pirates of the Caribbean star, 33, learned to overcome the learning disability at a young age and earned a scholarship at the British American Drama Academy in his native U.K., before going on to study acting at London's Guildhall School of Music and Drama.

And he will share his experiences with the public when he sits down for a talk with Dr. Harold S. Koplewicz next week (02Jun10) at the Child Study Center Foundation event at Rockefeller University.

The lecture, titled Dyslexia and Creativity: Two Sides of the Same Coin, aims to raise awareness about the condition among educators, mental health professionals and parents.

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Who killed Cock Robin?

Who killed Cock Robin?

Who killed Cock Robin?

Who killed Cock Robin?